Meg Ryan and her rocker – a combustible mix



Meg Ryan, a glittering success in the 1990s with When Harry met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle, has become engaged to her on-off boyfriend heartland-rock musician John Mellencamp.

Both have had fairly complex emotional lives – he married and divorced three times, she married to Denis Quaid, affair with Russell Crowe etc. She’s been with Mellencamp, formerly Johnny Cougar, since 2010 but with separations along the way.

And I’m not remotely surprised from their astrology.

She was born 19 November 1961 10.36 am Fairfield, Connecticut, and has a 10th house Scorpio Sun with Mercury Neptune and Venus in Scorpio conjunct her midheaven – well designed for a filmic career. Her Sun is conjunct Mars in Sagittarius square an 8th house Uranus; with Mars also square an 8th house Pluto – which is a bundle of emotional/psychological contradictions and challenges. She’s also got Saturn in Capricorn conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius both sextile her Sun Mars – disciplined, exuberant, but will be constantly swinging between optimism and doubt. And has an Aries Moon which won’t sit comfortably with all her Scorpio planets.

He was born 7 October 1951 in Indiana, and has his Libra Sun conjunct Neptune on one side and Mercury, Saturn in Libra on the other; with a Capricorn Moon.  She’s Water Fire; and he’s Air Earth, so very chalk and cheese pairing.

What’s fairly volcanic is his Mars falling in her 8th conjunct her Uranus and square her Mars; and his Venus also in her 8th conjunct her Pluto and square her Mars; with his Pluto in her 8th conjunct her North Node and square her Sun. There will be a very deep connection but it looks of the can’t-live-with-them and can’t live-without-them variety.

Their relationship chart has a composite Sun Neptune trine Jupiter (Moon), sextile Pluto and square Uranus with the composite Pluto opposition Jupiter square Saturn. And that’s quite a tangle. Sun Neptune often ends in disappointment; Sun Uranus needs space and hints at no-compromise. Saturn square Pluto can end up feeling chained-together and Jupiter Pluto can end up in one-upmanship battles. It’ll be a rocky ride through the next two years with tr Uranus hitting on the composite Neptune Sun and Uranus and she looks conflicted relationship-wise in 2020.

Not an easy match.


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