Jude Law – putting his past behind him



Jude Law, the talented English actor with numerous nominations to his credit and a headline-grabbing past love life, has married again to his psychologist girlfriend of four years. He was most recently seen in the high grossing Captain Marvel and was a triumph in Paolo Sorrentino’s The Young Pope on tv which is being sequel-ed this year. He’s been married once and has five children by three different women.

Born 29 December 1972 6am London, he has an ambitious and financially lucky 2nd house Sun Jupiter in Capricorn; with his Sun in a controlling square to Pluto, made doubly so with Pluto on his Midheaven, which latter will make him influential if a touch control-freaky. His charming and adventurous Venus in Sagittarius on his Ascendant is in an ethereal, evasive conjunction to Neptune and is opposition Saturn in Gemini in his 7th. Venus Saturn can have a leaning towards sexual promiscuity, if that’s the right term nowadays; Gemini on the cusp of his 7th would bring wayward tendencies; and Saturn would make close relationships seem burdensome to him. His Moon is also in an unpredictable, constantly changing conjunction to Uranus.

Maybe his maturing middle years will have persuaded him to settle down. Saturn moving through the lowest ebb of his low-profile first quadrant for a couple of years will certainly focus his mind more on his personal life than career ambitions. Though there’s nothing overtly romantic showing up at the moment. He has the intensely private and rather conflicted Progressed Moon through his 8th for the next two years and tr Neptune square his 7th house Saturn late this year which won’t help with honeymoon bliss. Tr Pluto is square his Uranus which will bring considerable changes to his life and direction. And 2020 will bring a financial boost with his Solar Arc Mars conjunct his Jupiter.

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